Usability of E-Commerce Website That Sells Handmade Products
The goal of every commercial online store is to increase the number of customers and engagement in order to boost sales. An attractive interface is crucial for online stores to achieve their objectives. One type of online store is e-commerce sites where people showcase and sell handmade products. To evaluate the usability of these sites, Nielsen's heuristic evaluation and the heuristic evaluation method are widely used in the literature. In this article, the usability of the e-commerce site, where handmade products are showcased and sold, is evaluated using Nielsen's heuristics and the heuristic items for e-commerce sites. Additionally, a heuristic study was conducted by categorizing the stages of the processes from product examination to sales and delivery on e-commerce sites. These two studies were combined to evaluate the usability of the e-commerce site. The study found that the e-commerce site has an adequate level of usability; however, certain findings, such as the absence of a site map and the lack of clear labeling of seller names, were identified as areas for improvement. The result of this research provides a heuristic evaluation guideline for e-commerce marketplace sites to conduct a cost-effective usability assessment. Therefore, it is important for the development of highly usable website designs that meet the needs of both users (sellers) and customers (buyers).
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