The Geostatistical Evaluation of the Genetic Relationship of Rocks: A Case Study of the Derinoba-Kayadibi Granites

The Geostatistical Evaluation of the Genetic Relationship of Rocks: A Case Study of the Derinoba-Kayadibi Granites

Keywords: Eastern Pontides, Descriptive Statistics, Mann Whitney U test, Derinoba pluton, Kayadibi pluton, Trabzon, Türkiye


This study aims to investigate the genetic relationship between different rock types by evaluating existing geochemical data using geostatistical approaches. For this purpose, all whole-rock analysis results of the Derinoba and Kayadibi granites (GB Trabzon, Türkiye), which outcrop in the northern zone of the Eastern Pontides, were evaluated using different statistical approaches. For the study, 15 whole-rock analyses belonging to the Derinoba granite and 5 whole-rock analyses belonging to the Kayadibi granite were processed. Non-parametric statistical methods were preferred in the analyses due to the limited number of elements in the data set under investigation (especially the Kayadibi granite). Within the scope of the study, the descriptive statistical parameters of the two granite masses were calculated. Thus, the central distribution parameters of the geochemical data were determined and the general character of the data set was tried to be understood. Subsequently, the Mann Whitney U test was applied to the relevant data sets and the genetic relationships between these two granite masses were investigated. As a result of the study, it was observed that the Derinoba and Kayadibi granites represent the same genetic source at the sig. %1 and/or %1-3 level by SiO2, Gd, Tm, Er, Rb/Sr, LaCN/LuCN, LaCN/YbCN, ASI parameters, and by the other major oxides except SiO2 and the elements Sr, Ta, Nb, Hf, Zr, U, Ga, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Dy, and Ho at the %95 (1-sig.) confidence interval. The obtained results confirmed the results of conventional studies on the origin of these granites.

Author Biographies

Alaaddin Vural, Ankara University

Geological Engineering

Ankara, Turkey

Abdullah Kaygusuz, Gumushane University

Geological Engineering

Gumushane, Turkey


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How to Cite
Vural, A., & Kaygusuz, A. (2024). The Geostatistical Evaluation of the Genetic Relationship of Rocks: A Case Study of the Derinoba-Kayadibi Granites. Journal of Engineering Research and Applied Science, 13(1), 2537-2552. Retrieved from

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