An implementation of proactive assembly design process to compare its efficiency

  • O. Kayabasi Duzce University


The study is related to the development of CAD software designed for assembly-oriented environment. Although component based approach was used for many CAD software, assembly oriented design was proven that it was much more convenient with respect to errors occurred during product development process. Because assembly oriented design introduces proactive design for assembly in addition to the assembly sequence construction scheme. Although there are many studies regarding automated feature recognition and geometric information extraction, information is given by designer manually in this study. This study deals with the effects of assembly-oriented design on the design efficiency. The computer system defined by Swift and Jared are repeated in this work to compare the results with the component based design method.

Author Biography

O. Kayabasi, Duzce University
Biyomedical Engineering
How to Cite
Kayabasi, O. (2018). An implementation of proactive assembly design process to compare its efficiency. Journal of Engineering Research and Applied Science, 7(1), 765-777. Retrieved from