Effective utilization and physical conversion of biomass, and some properties of hazelnut husk

  • M. S. Guney Giresun University
Keywords: biomass utilization, conversion methods, hazelnut husk.


Energy consumption is steadily increasing. The environmental harmfull effects of intensive energy consumption on the environment are known. It is important to ensure a sustainable life cycle. Renewable energy use and dissemination is one of the important parameters that will be purposeful. Biomass is categorized at the first places in renewable energy. It is also suitable for local supply and local solutions. Appropriate assessment to the requirements is crucial with local approaches. If this is done, it will serve the purpose more effectively. Biomass utilization generally and physical conversion methods in detail are presented in this study. These methods are classified in three main groups; physical, thermochemical, and biochemical conversion methods. Information about physical conversion was presented in subdivision and some charecteristics of hazelnut husk.

Author Biography

M. S. Guney, Giresun University

Department of Mechanical Engineering


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How to Cite
Guney, M. S. (2019). Effective utilization and physical conversion of biomass, and some properties of hazelnut husk. Journal of Engineering Research and Applied Science, 8(2), 1185-1189. Retrieved from http://journaleras.com/index.php/jeras/article/view/173